Vulval Cancer

Vulval Cancer2024-10-29T22:33:50+00:00

vulval CANCER

Vulval cancer is a rare type of cancer that affects the vulva, the outside parts of the female genitals. Around 1,300 women a year in the UK are diagnosed with it.


  • Itching, burning or soreness of the vulva that persists.
  • Blood-stained discharge.

  • Pain in the area of the vulva.
  • A lump or swelling over the vulva or a mole that changes shape or colour.
  • A burning sensation on passing urine.

Early diagnosis is important. When diagnosed at its earliest stage, more than 9 in 10 people with Vulval Cancer will survive their disease for one year or more, compared with 4 in 10 when diagnosed at the latest stage.

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