Lucy Dodds

Walk 4 GRACE Thank you!

Thank you to our supporters for taking part in Walk4Grace Due to the uncertainty of COVID-19, this year’s Surrey Three Peaks Challenge was cancelled. However, our amazing GRACE supporters came together to Walk4GRACE! Across Surrey, GRACE supporters organised their routes, brought together their friends and walked, ran, rode and cycled for GRACE. Whether that was

Live With… Surrey Students Union!

Live With... Surrey Students Union for Cervical Screening Week! During Cervical Screening Awareness Week, we held a live Q&A with Lizzie Rodulson the incoming University of Surrey Students Union President (and a newly qualified nurse), Dr Kavitha Madhuri a gynae oncology doctor and Lucy Dodds a cervical cancer survivor. Watch the interview below!

The Life Changing Importance of The Smear Test

"I didn't have any Symptoms" The Life-Changing Importance of The Smear Test "It’s either 5 minutes of discomfort and embarrassment, or, and let’s be quite frank about it, you can die. 21 woman die every day of Cervical Cancer. 18,000 woman a year are diagnosed. Every time I think about how I was treated and

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