Update from the researchers desk

Good News for the MIRRORS study 

Update From The Researcher Desk: Good News for the MIRRORS study  MIRRORS, an exciting trial conceived by Mr Butler-Manuel, (Consultant in Gynaecological Oncology and Director of Gynae-oncology Robotic Surgical Epicentre), and run by Christina Uwins (Senior Clinical Research Fellow in Robotic Gynaecological Oncology) in Guildford seeks to provide advanced ovarian cancer surgery with Robotics, slashing

Update From The Researcher Desk: Groundbreaking MIRRORS study

Update From The Researcher Desk: Groundbreaking MIRRORS study at the Gynae-oncology Robotic Surgical Epicentre in Guildford By Christina Uwins MIRRORS – Robotic surgery for advanced ovarian cancer to improve recovery and quality of life following surgery. MIRRORS, an exciting trial conceived by Mr Butler-Manuel, (Consultant in Gynaecological Oncology and Director of Gynae-oncology Robotic Surgical Epicentre),

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