cervical screening awareness

Lorna Cattle on Tea Time With Ali Monjack

Lorna Cattle on Tea Time With Ali Monjack During Cervical Cancer Prevention Week, Lorna Cattle made an appearance on Tea Time With Ali Monjack.  Lorna was diagnosed with Cervical Cancer at the same time as finding out she was pregnant. She battled through, survived, and is looking at fertility options. Lorna is now raising awareness about

Emma Louise Davies Brilliant BBC Interview

"If I hadn't gotten the smear test, I wouldn't have made it to see my daughters second birthday."  During Cervical screening week, Emma Louise Davies, one of our brilliant GRACE Woman spoke to BBC Surrey about her Cervical Cancer experience, being diagnosed so soon after her daughter’s birth and why she believes cervical screening is

“Prevention is better than cure”

“Prevention is better than cure, 5 minutes of discomfort is better than years of treatment” During Cervical screening week, Emma Louise Davies, one of our brilliant GRACE Woman spoke to BBC Surrey about her Cervical Cancer experience, the importance of Cervical Screening Week and why she believes no woman should miss a smear test. The

6 Things You NEED To Know About Cervical Cancer

6 Things You NEED To Know About Cervical Cancer 1. What is cervical cancer? The cervix is the neck of the womb. Cancer can develop within the cervix. Precancerous changes can occur before cancer develops which may be reversible. These can be detected with cervical screening. 2. How common is cervical cancer? Cervical cancer is

Cervical Cancer is A Preventable Disease

Cervical Cancer is A Preventable Disease "If we detect early and treat these precancerous cells, we can prevent 75% of the cancer from developing. Cervical Cancer is a preventable disease." This week is Cervical Screening Awareness Week, so we’ll be sharing interviews and stories of GRACE Women who were diagnosed with Cervical Cancer and highlighting

Paula’s Frustrating Cervical Cancer Journey

Paula's Frustrating Cervical Cancer Journey “When I look back, I think I should have pushed for a smear. If you feel that something’s wrong then you need to shout about it, because it could save your life.” In this interview with Brooklands Radio, one of our lovely GRACE Women Paula Jarvis shares her frustrating Cervical

GRACE Women: Emma Louise Davies

Emma's Emotional Cervical Cancer Journey "I felt like the chair was swallowing me up. My husband and I were in complete disbelief. We were both frightened, scared and lost. The only thing we knew was that from this moment life wouldn’t be the same." It all began back in July 2013 after giving birth to

The Life Changing Importance of The Smear Test

"I didn't have any Symptoms" The Life-Changing Importance of The Smear Test "It’s either 5 minutes of discomfort and embarrassment, or, and let’s be quite frank about it, you can die. 21 woman die every day of Cervical Cancer. 18,000 woman a year are diagnosed. Every time I think about how I was treated and

It’s Cervical Screening Awareness Week!

This week is Cervical Screening Awareness Week! The cervical screening programme, which had been suspended due to COVID-19, has begun to be restored. There will be prioritisation  for: - Women invited but not screened and people with a delayed invitation - Women invited for routine screening (due or overdue) - Older women - especially for

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