BBC Surrey

50 Inches of Hair cut, £10,000 raised for Endometrial Cancer!

50 Inches of Hair cut, £10,000 raised for Endometrial Cancer! Last week Alex Pringle Hood went onto BBC Surrey to talk about the sponsored hair cut her and her sisters did to raise awareness for Endometrial Cancer and raise funds for vital surgical equipment and research. Together they cut 50 inches of hair which they

Nicola Pegler Speaks to BBC Surrey

Nicola Pegler Speaks to BBC Surrey To raise awareness for the ways that fundraising has been affected by COVID-19, Nicola Pegler spoke to BBC Surrey about the ways that you can support GRACE through our Front Garden Charity Campaign, our #DeclutterandDonate campaign and by supporting as you shop through Amazon Smile. Join us

2020-08-10T11:30:53+00:00Awareness, News|
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