Gynaecological Cancer Awareness Month

What You Need To Know About Gynaecological Cancer

What You Need To Know About Gynaecological Cancer 1. There are five types of Gynaecological Cancer Vulval Cancer is a rare type of cancer that affects the vulva, the outside parts of the female genitals. Ovarian cancer is a loosely used term that encompasses gynaecological cancer arising from the ovaries, tubes and peritoneum. Endometrial

50 Inches of Hair cut, £10,000 raised for Endometrial Cancer!

50 Inches of Hair cut, £10,000 raised for Endometrial Cancer! Last week Alex Pringle Hood went onto BBC Surrey to talk about the sponsored hair cut her and her sisters did to raise awareness for Endometrial Cancer and raise funds for vital surgical equipment and research. Together they cut 50 inches of hair which they

Emma Louise Davies on Tea Time with Ali Monjack

During Gynaecological Cancer Awareness Month, Emma Louise Davies was featured on Tea Time with Ali Monjack where she talked about her experience of being diagnosed with Cervical Cancer and then undergoing a Hysterectomy during the lockdown in May. Listen to Emma’s interview to find out more: Read Emma’s Story:  Find out more

5 Things You NEED to know about Ovarian Cancer

5 Things You NEED to know about Ovarian Cancer Throughout the month of September, we’ll be sharing facts and resources about different types of gynaecological cancer to raise awareness and understanding. Today we want to help you better understand the origins, symptoms and diagnosis of Ovarian Cancer.     

GRACE Women: Cathy Butcher

“The moral of this story is that if you feel like something isn’t right, get it checked out.” Cathy Butcher's Endometrial Cancer Story So, this is my journey which started in June 2017. At the age of 49, I thought I was just going through the start of the menopause as I had read so

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