Hare – The Musical is currently journeying through Haslemere, spreading the word about GRACE. Decorated in a seventies style, Hare is making lots of different stops throughout the community, armed with a collection bucket and information on GRACE.
He is now off to show off his artistic side. He will be an installation at Green Gilly Dee’s studio from 2nd – 10th June at 11am – 5pm. Gill is part of Surrey Open Studios and as well as demonstrating the range of her beautiful embroidery, she is a keen and active supporter of GRACE.
You can find Gill and Hare at:
17 Knox Road
Queen Elizabeth Park
Take a look at surreyopenstudios.org.uk to find directions and lots more talented Surrey Artists.
Please support Hare by donating to his BT My Donate page and liking his Facebook page.

Hare at his launch party

Welcoming visitors to Haslemere
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