Royal Surrey’s Robotic Surgery Team HSJ Value Awards Finalist!
We’re thrilled to share that Royal Surrey’s Robotic Surgery Team is a finalist in this year’s HSJ Value Awards in the Cancer Care Initiative Category!
Funding from GRACE helped to purchase the first robot at RSCH 12 years ago.
Alongside colleagues in the Robotic Surgical Team (including urology and ENT), the gynae-oncolgy team moved two robots into the hospital’s day surgery unit meaning cancer surgery could continue during the worst of the pandemic last year.
As a result, the number of robotic operations increased across the Trust as a whole – and for gynae-oncology and urology in particular.
Apart from using a clean ‘green pathway’ for cancer patients (to minimise the risk of exposure to Covid-19), it was also greatly beneficial as patients undergoing robotic surgery required far fewer HDU and ITU beds which were a scarce resource.
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