
GRACE Wreath Making Workshop

GRACE Wreath Making Workshop Thursday 2nd December at 10.00 am - 12.30 pm. Our Wreath Making Workshop, with Florist Jamie-Ri, is being held at the St George's Hill Golf Club, Weybridge. Jamie-Ri will teach you how to build a beautiful wreath from a wire base, using a variety of seasonal foliage and colours. The cost

Festive Rest and Restore Yoga Workshops for GRACE

Festive Rest and Restore Yoga Workshops for GRACE This Winter, GRACE supporter and Samanya Yoga Instructor Karen Wilson will be hosting two Festive Rest and Restore Yoga Workshops for GRACE. These workshops are for all abilities and everyone is welcome. Join us to take a moment of calm ready before the winter festivities! There will

2021-11-10T15:57:41+00:00Fundraising, News|

2021 Christmas Wreath Workshop

2021 Christmas Wreath Workshop In October we held a special craft session with some of our GRACE women and made Christmas decorations, wreaths and candle holders. We're excited to tell you that we will be selling these handmade products and more at the Guildford Combined Charities Fair on Sunday 7th November and the Reigate Christmas

2021-10-28T07:55:18+00:00Fundraising, News|

Thank You Royal Parks Half Marathon Runners!

Thank You Royal Parks Half Marathon Runners! We would like to say a huge thank you to our Royal Parks Half Marathon Runners for raising an incredible £4,500! We are so grateful for your hard work and support and we're glad you had a great day running through the stunning Royal Parks!

Thank You Surrey 3 Peaks Walkers!

Thank You Surrey Three Peaks Walkers This Gynaecological Cancer Awareness Month, GRACE supporters came together to take part in the Surrey Three Peaks Walk. Starting from the village of Holmbury St Mary, the Surrey Three Peaks Walk took walkers on a fantastic walk through ancient woodlands through the glorious Surrey countryside Thank you to our

GRACE’s Gynae Cancer Month Roundtable on Brooklands Radio!

GRACE's Gynae Cancer Month Roundtable on Brooklands Radio! This Gynaecological Cancer Awareness Month, GRACE was invited to Brooklands Radio! GRACE Women Pandy Dean, Vicky Allen, Hellen Revenko and Sylvie Alsopp shared stories about their cancer journey's and talked about why it's so important to raise awareness regarding the signs and symptoms of Gynaecological Cancer. Clinicians

Support our Team’s Fundraising!

Support our Team's Fundraising! This Autumn, two of our brilliant GRACE clinicians will be taking part in fitness fundraisers to help fund ground-breaking research and vital surgical equipment! Dr Kavitha Madhuri and her family are running The Twilight Runway Challenge. To support her and donate to her sponsored run, visit And if you want

Summer Supporter Events

Summer Supporter Events Get involved with these brilliant supporter events this summer and September Elstfest 2021 Saturday 7th August 2pm - 10pm We’re incredibly excited for Elstfest 2021! The GRACE Supporter organised event will have a brilliant lineup of live music, a barbecue and plenty of fun for the whole family! The event will be

2021-08-02T11:19:57+00:00Fundraising, News|

Hellen Revenko’s Walk for GRACE

Hellen Revenko's Walk for GRACE In June GRACE Woman Hellen Revenko embarked on a 30 mile sponsored walk around Surrey. Read on to hear more about her inspirational experience. At 8.30 on a warm June morning, I set off to walk 30 miles along the River Wey tow-path from my home in Guildford to Weybridge

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