
MIRRORS Study on Brooklands Radio

MIRRORS Study on Brooklands Radio With Simon Butler-Manuel and Christina Uwins Simon Butler-Manuel, the founder of GRACE, and Christina Uwins a Senior Clinical Research Fellow in Robotics went on Brooklands Radio to talk to Jill Bennet about the MIRRORS study and how this exciting project will help women diagnosed with ovarian cancer.

“Don’t be like me” Anne Brunton Speaks to Brooklands Radio

"Don't be like me" Anne Brunton Speaks to Brooklands Radio In this interview with Brooklands Radio, Anne Brunton shares her Endometrial Cancer story. Anne spent 3 years meeting GP's before she was diagnosed and in this interview, she advises women like her to know the symptoms, seek medical advice and stand their ground.

World Cancer Day 2021

Cancer doesn't stop for COVID, and neither do we. So this World Cancer Day, we need your help to support women with gynaecological cancer. COVID-19 and lockdown have seriously affected the way we fundraise. The marathons, bake sales, fundraising gala's and afternoon tea's that our supporters would usually fundraise at have been cancelled or postponed.

Cervical Cancer Prevention Week

This week is Cervical Cancer Prevention Week! Throughout the week, we will be sharing stories, interviews, facts and resources to help you learn more about Cervical Cancer and the work GRACE is doing to support women experiencing it. 3 Reasons Why Seeking Cervical Cancer Advice Early Will Make a Huge Difference Cervical Cancer is a

Janet Gover’s Vulval Cancer Story

Janet Gover's Vulval Cancer Story I wanted to write my cancer story in the hope of helping other women, but now I come to do it, it's harder than I expected. Any cancer story is hard… I know that. But cancer of the vulva is hard on two counts. It strikes right at the core

What You Need To Know About Gynaecological Cancer

What You Need To Know About Gynaecological Cancer 1. There are five types of Gynaecological Cancer Vulval Cancer is a rare type of cancer that affects the vulva, the outside parts of the female genitals. Ovarian cancer is a loosely used term that encompasses gynaecological cancer arising from the ovaries, tubes and peritoneum. Endometrial

Thank you Anne Brunton!

Thank you Anne Brunton! We want to say a huge thank you to Anne Brunton who raised a phenomenal £2,412.69 for GRACE by shaving her hair during Gynaecological Cancer Awareness Month! Read her story here:  “I was diagnosed with Stage 3 endometrial cancer during lockdown at the very beginning of April. Well, sort of. Initially,

Goodness Gracious Tea Weekend 2020

Goodness Gracious Tea Weekend 2020 This October we're inviting GRACE supporters across the country to host virtual or socially distanced fundraising tea parties (following the rule of 6) to support women diagnosed with gynaecological cancers. Bake some delicious cake, make some coffee and host your own virtual or socially distanced Goodness Gracious Tea Party! Visit

The Life Changing Importance of The Smear Test

"I didn't have any Symptoms" The Life-Changing Importance of The Smear Test "It’s either 5 minutes of discomfort and embarrassment, or, and let’s be quite frank about it, you can die. 21 woman die every day of Cervical Cancer. 18,000 woman a year are diagnosed. Every time I think about how I was treated and

Dr Kavitha Madhuri and Patients Speak To Brooklands Radio

Jill Bennett, from Brooklands Radio, talks to Dr Kavitha Madhuri and three gynaecological cancer patients about their experiences. In an hour-long special programme, broadcast by Brooklands Radio on Gynaecological cancers, Jill Bennett interviews Dr Kavitha Madhuri from the Royal Surrey County Hospital, and cancer patients Lucy Dodds, Paula Jarvis and Jo-Ann Williamson. Dr Kavitha Madhuri

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