May 2018

Cervical Cancer Prevention

What is cervical cancer? The cervix is the neck of the womb. Cancer can develop within the cervix. Precancerous changes can occur before cancer develops which may be reversible. These can be detected with cervical screening. How common is cervical cancer? Cervical cancer is the second commonest cancer worldwide in women aged 15-44 and the

2020-02-18T08:46:58+00:00Awareness, News, Women|

Well Done Hare!

Having hopped around Haslemere since May, Hare - The Musical, sponsored by Roger Macdivitt, finally sits and waits patiently to find out who his new owner is. Hare - The Musical was auctioned off for an amazing £390. In addition to this, Hare carried around collection pots and had his own My Donate Page, and raised


Lady Captain Supports GRACE

Helen Sleightholme became Lady Captain at Aldershot Army Golf Club earlier this year. To kick off her captaincy, Helen held two breakfasts and drive-ins on Sunday 28th October and Tuesday 30th October. The Lady Captain generously picked GRACE as her chosen charity and raised an amazing £798 from both drive-ins. The club was joined by

2020-04-17T12:24:01+00:00Helen Sleightholme, News|


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