
From the Researcher’s Desk: MIRRORS Study

Researcher: Miss Christina Uwins MBChB BSc Med Sci (Hons) MRCS MRCOG Senior Clinical Research Fellow in Robotic Meet the Researcher: We would like to introduce you to Christina Uwins, who is being funded by GRACE to carry out research into robotic surgery for patients with Ovarian Cancer. This is called the MIRRORS Study. Christina is


Surrey Hills Soroptimists: talk by Dr Alex Stewart

A report by Hellen Revenko Dr Alex Stewart On 4 November, Dr Alex Stewart, gave a talk to the Surrey Hills Soroptimists. Dr Stewart is an oncologist working at Saint Luke’s Cancer Centre at Royal Surrey County Hospital and an Associate Member of the Board of Trustees of GRACE. The talk covered the cervical

2020-06-11T15:28:52+00:00Hellen Revenko, News, Research|

From the Researcher’s Desk

Dr Hersha Patel We asked our Chair Simon Butler-Manuel and his Specialist Registrar Dr Hersha Patel, to reflect on the sometimes confusing messages given by the press and social media about cervical cancer screening and immunisation which often gives the impression that cervical cancer will soon be eradicated. They also reflect on the

2020-02-17T14:47:36+00:00News, Research|

GRACE Funds Probes to Treat Cervical Cancer

GRACE Funds Probes to Treat Cervical Cancer GRACE is delighted to provide funding of £17,000 to purchase a new probe for the Hitachi Ultrasound Machine, which GRACE also funded. This will allow the Alex Stewart, Adrian Franklin and their team treating gynaeoncological cancers in St. Luke’s Cancer Centre to perform complex brachytherapy insertions

2020-02-18T09:52:30+00:00Awareness, News, Research|

GRACE supports Roger’s Immunotherapy Research Day

GRACE supports Roger's Immunotherapy Research Day We would like to thank GRACE Supporter and Volunteer, Roger MacDivitt for his continuing awareness and fundraising activity. Not only is he promoting the GRACE Hound around Haslemere raising funds for GRACE, but he also organised a hugely successful Three Counties Immunotherapy Day in August which took

2020-02-17T14:42:50+00:00News, Research|

GRACE Funds Important Research

GRACE is dedicated to on-going collaborative research. This is vital to improve the treatment, recovery and survival rates of women diagnosed with gynaecological cancers. We are proud to be funding several pieces of research at the moment, through PhD and MD studies, which has resulted in the publication of the following research papers in recent

2020-02-17T14:42:34+00:00News, Research|

Treatment for Young Women with Early Stage Endometrial Cancer and Precancerous Conditions

MISS PATRICIA ELLIS, Consultant Gynaecological Oncologist & Surgeon RSCH Miss Ellis wanted to share the treatment she offers to young women with early stage cancers or precancerous conditions – Complex Atypical Hyperplasia (CAH) to help them to preserve their fertility prior to definitive treatment. The standard surgical treatment for endometrial cancer is a

2020-02-17T14:40:57+00:00News, Research|

From the Researcher’s Desk – Research into Young Women with Endometrial Cancer

MISS PATRICIA ELLIS, Consultant Gynaecological Oncologist & Surgeon RSCH Miss Ellis, Consultant Gynaecological Oncologist & Surgeon in the Department of Gynaeoncology at the Royal Surrey is involved in several studies looking at endometrial cancer. She has a particular interest in endometrial cancers occurring in young women and has previously conducted a study with researchers

2020-07-08T11:09:38+00:00News, Research|

GRACE Funded Research: Cervical Cancer

STUDY INTO DYNAMIC CHANGES IN CERVICAL CANCER DURING RADIOTHERAPY Summary of M.D. - Sophie Otter   Sophie Otter I have had the pleasure of working with the Gynae-Oncology team for the past 3 years whilst doing a research degree (M.D.) into ‘Dynamic Changes in Cervical Cancer’. I am extremely grateful to GRACE for

2020-02-18T09:45:07+00:00News, Research|
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