
GRACE Women: Pandy Dean

Pandy Dean's Ovarian Cancer Story GRACE Woman Pandy Dean has been passionate about fundraising for GRACE since her ovarian cancer diagnosis in 2016. Here, she describes her experience of ovarian cancer and explains why increased awareness of the disease is so essential. “I had my surgery in September 2016. Prior to that I was really

2021-01-07T15:22:42+00:00Awareness, News, Pandy Dean, Women|

Grace Woman: Wendy Marcel

Wendy Marcel's Cervical Cancer StoryGRACE Woman, Wendy Marcel, was two weeks pregnant when her routine cervical screening revealed abnormal cells. She’s shared her experience of being diagnosed with cervical cancer just six weeks after giving birth to her baby son.“I had a routine smear test not realising that I was actually two weeks pregnant at

2024-08-19T10:23:55+00:00Awareness, News, Wendy Marcel|

Cervical Screening Awareness Week

10th - 16th June was Cervical Screening Awareness Week, where we were raising awareness of the importance of the cervical screening programme in detecting abnormal cells that could have the potential to develop into cervical cancer. Two of our lovely GRACE Women, Hannah Baker and Wendy Marcel shared their experience of cervical cancer in the

2020-04-29T13:33:27+00:00Awareness, Hannah Baker, News|

GRACE Women: Elizabeth

Our GRACE Woman, Elizabeth, is passionate about raising awareness of cervical cancer following her diagnosis last year. Here, she talks about her diagnosis and treatment, and urges all women to attend their cervical screening. “I was diagnosed with cervical cancer in January 2017. In late summer 2016, I started to get symptoms – a yellow

2020-03-09T13:29:18+00:00Awareness, Elizabeth, News, Women|

GRACE Women: Hellen Revenko

Hellen Revenko's Endometrial Cancer StoryOne of our GRACE Women, Hellen Revenko visited her GP with some unusual symptoms and was later diagnosed with endometrial cancer. Here she shares her experience and stresses the importance of early diagnosis. “In April 2018, I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer.In January, I had seen my GP about a watery

2024-08-19T10:29:00+00:00Awareness, Hellen Revenko, News, Women|

GRACE Women: Mary Doris Foot

Mary Doris Foot's Cancer Story I got involved with GRACE through the founder, Simon Butler Manuel. He gave me some information on the charity and I knew it was something I wanted to be involved with. I know too well what cancer does to people – it destroys lives. Simon is a brilliant surgeon, and

2021-01-07T15:29:35+00:00Awareness, Mary Doris Foot, News, Women|

Cervical Cancer Prevention

What is cervical cancer? The cervix is the neck of the womb. Cancer can develop within the cervix. Precancerous changes can occur before cancer develops which may be reversible. These can be detected with cervical screening. How common is cervical cancer? Cervical cancer is the second commonest cancer worldwide in women aged 15-44 and the

2020-02-18T08:46:58+00:00Awareness, News, Women|
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